Midwife interview
Scenario questions
We can never know exactly what questions you will be asked so we will give some advice based on feedback from previous candidate interviews.
- Use direct eye contact with the person who has asked the question.
- Keep answer precise and honest.
- Frame answers in a positive way. Avoid using ‘I don’t know, don’t want to etc. Use ‘I have limited experience with that, I prefer to work in another area etc
- Use the nursing process as a framework to answer clinical questions – assess plan implement and evaluate.
Think through answers you would give to following types of questions
- List your qualifications and experience – specific to being a midwife. If you focus on other experience eg outpatients, they will not consider you for a post. They need to see you are an experienced midwife specifically. Read through your CV
- CTGs – how to read. Online info – https://geekymedics.com/how-to-read-a-ctg/
- How to manage conflict with colleagues. https://www.nurse.com/blog/2011/11/28/seven-strategies-for-managing-conflict/
- What to do if a doctor gives you an order that you are not happy with
- How to cope with cultural difference – https://www.nursingtimes.net/roles/nurse-educators/cultural-competence-in-nursing-muslim-patients/5083725.article
- Management of complicated deliveries – twin, shoulder dystocia, diabetic mother, delayed labour, post-partum haemorrhage. http://gynaeonline.com/complicated_labor.htm
- Management of drugs used in labour. http://www.medindia.net/drugs/medical-condition/labor.htm
- Health promotion in pregnancy and post natal patients. https://www.cdc.gov/preconception/careforwomen/promotion.html
Links are guidelines to answers. In the interview, you need to refer to evidence based best practice rather than what happens on your unit because of shortages etc