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Midwife interview

 Scenario questions

We can never know exactly what questions you will be asked so we will give some advice based on feedback from previous candidate interviews.

  • Use direct eye contact with the person who has asked the question.
  • Keep answer precise and honest.
  • Frame answers in a positive way. Avoid using ‘I don’t know, don’t want to etc. Use ‘I have limited experience with that, I prefer to work in another area etc
  • Use the nursing process as a framework to answer clinical questions – assess plan implement and evaluate.

Think through answers you would give to following types of questions

  • List your qualifications and experience – specific to being a midwife. If you focus on other experience eg outpatients, they will not consider you for a post. They need to see you are an experienced midwife specifically. Read through your CV
  • What to do if a doctor gives you an order that you are not happy with

Links are guidelines to answers. In the interview, you need to refer to evidence based best practice rather than what happens on your unit because of shortages etc


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We find jobs for registered nurses in the Middle East and the UK.

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