A career portfolio is a visual representation of your abilities, skills, knowledge and qualities.
It provides physical evidence of work related events in your life.
A portfolio is a useful way to keep all your documents in order in one place. As you do courses or move job you can add the supporting documents so it is kept up to date.
You should have a hard copy and the originals as well as an electronic copy of every document.
What should your portfolio contain?
1. CV You must have a detailed CV as this is essential for overseas employers to understand your background and compare it to their requirements. We can provide you a CV form which helps you identify the information required.
2. Supporting Documentation – these documents provide proof of all the information provided in your CV. Your portfolio should contain originals of the following –
- Degrees/diplomas/certificates/courses
- Transcript of your courses
- Professional registration/license from all countries you have worked in.
- References – from your direct managers
- Certificates of service from the HR department from each employer since you started working.
- Any document relevant to your career/training.
You should create your portfolio now. College/employers close or delete records after a certain period. If you don’t have all of the above you can experience difficulty in advancing your career whether locally or internationally.