Interviews with
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This is a great chance to show your new employer why you are the perfect person for the job!
Before the interview
- Know the hospital and the region
- Experience
Make sure you know the contents of your CV. You will be asked questions about your work experience, education, skills, and interests. Ask us for a copy of the CV the client will be working from.
Day of interview
- How you look
First impressions last! Dress in a conservative professional manner – no cleavage, short skirts, tight-fitting clothes. Wear your hair neatly and wear minimal makeup. A fresh neat clean look goes down well with any employer.
- The interview
Before you go into the room stop focus and take a deep breath. Summon up positive energy! Enter the room and give and big smile and greet each person in the room.
Project high energy as you move and take your seat. Nursing takes energetic fast moving people.
Take your seat and sit, sitting up straight, shoulders back and relaxed, with the face looking up slightly.
Now you are ready to impress your interviewers!
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